In the case of a person you must:
- be of at least 18 years of age (or 10 years of age for a Junior Club Licence)
- provide proof that you are a resident of the Northern Territory
- provide proof of identity in accordance with requirements under the Financial Transactions Report Act (1988), which is the same standard which banks apply when you open a new account
- not be subject to, or not have been subject to, a Domestic Violence Order within the last five years
- have undertaken an approved Firearm Safety Training Course or pass an approved Firearms Safety Test
- be able to meet the safe storage requirements under the Firearms Act and Regulations (see safe storage requirements for further information)
- have a genuine reason/need for holding a licence (see genuine reason for further information).
You will also be required to disclose any criminal history, or history of mental illness or incapacity, which could affect your fitness to hold a licence.
In the case of a business or company, the entity must:
- proof that the business or company is a Northern Territory registered business or an Australian Registered Company (ACN)
- provide details of the owners or directors of the company, or a nominee who will be responsible for the firearms to be held on the licence. These persons will be subjected to the same checks that apply to an individual who applies for a licence
- be able to met the safe storage requirements under the Firearms Act & Regulations (see safe storage requirements for further information)
- have a genuine reason/need for holding a licence (see genuine reason for further information).
Types of licenses
- Miscellaneous Documents
- Application for police import authorisation
- Authority to dispose of surrendered firearm or weapon
- Change of particulars
- Firearm template photos information
- Import firearms and weapons
- Interstate Licence Holders Fact Sheet
- Proof of identity
- Statutory declaration
- Mandatory reporting by health professionals fact sheet
- Mandatory reporting by health professionals form
- Fees
- Antique Firearm Collector's Licence
An Antique Firearm Collector's Licence authorises the holder to possess and display firearms of a category specified and were manufactured before 1 January 1900.
- Ammunition Collector
Ammunition Collector Approval authorises the holder of the approval to possess ammunition of a category specified in the approval.
- Ammunition Retail
A firearms Ammunition Retail Outlet Permit authorises the holder/business to possess, display and sell ammunition of the categories for which their permit was issued.
It does not permit the holder/business to trade in firearms.
- Armourer's Licence
An armourer is defined as a person who repairs or manufactures firearms in the course of his or her business. The emphasis is on the applicant carrying out such work on a commercial basis.
- Category H - Sport Shooter's Licence
A Category H Sports Shooter's Licence authorises the holder to possess only prescribed Category H firearms, and to use a firearm under the licence only at an approved firearms club.
- Category H - Sport Shooter's Permit
A Category H Sport Shooter's Permit authorises the holder to use a Category H firearm under supervision at an approved firearms club.
- Collector's Licence
A Firearms Collector Licence authorises the holder to possess and display firearms of the categories for which their licence was issued.
- Corporate / Museum Licence
Firearms Corporate licenses are issued to the directors/managers/owners etc. of businesses who have the need for a firearm to carry out their business (i.e. museums, fishermen, safari operators, cattle station owners, security firms etc.). This licence category is issued only to an entity (Business / Corporate) and not to an individual.
- Dealer Licence
Dealer Firearms Licenses are issued to allow the holder to buy, sell and otherwise trade in firearms and ammunition during his/her business. A business representative can apply for a Firearms Dealer Licence.
- Duplicate firearm license or registration certificate
- Employee Licence
An Employee’s Licence authorise a person to possess and / or use a firearm owned and registered by the holder of a Corporate, Dealer or Museum Licence. This licence allows the employee to possess and / or use a firearm/s as part of their work duties and not for any other purpose.
- Firearms Club Licence
Firearms Club licence authorises the holder of the licence and members of the firearms club to possess and use firearms of a category specified in the licence for sports shooting or training purposes.
Firearms club licence
- Firearms Club Junior Licence
A firearms club junior licence is for applicants between the age of 10 – 18 and authorises the holder to possess and use the category of firearm specified in the licence.
- the firearm can only be possessed and used under the personal supervision of the holder of a licence who is authorised to possess or use firearms of the same category; and
- the firearm only be used when receiving instruction in the safe use of firearms at an approved shooting range or competing in an approved event.
- Firearm club support certificates
- PF474 - Certificate of firearm Club Membership – Category A,B and C
- PF474A - Certificate of firearm Club Membership – Category H Under Supervision
- PF474B - Certificate of firearm Club Membership – Category H
- PF474C - Certificate of firearm Club Membership – Purchase Category H
- PF474D - Certificate of firearm Club Membership – Purchase Category C
- Record of participation
- PF495 - Prohibited Person Declaration
- Heirloom Licence
A firearms Heirloom Licence authorises the holder to possess only a firearm, or firearms of a matched pair or set, specified in the licence.
- Instructor's Licence
A firearms Instructor Licence authorises the holder to possess and use firearms of a category specified in the licence for the purpose of conducting approved firearms training and safety courses.
- International Visitors Permit
All persons from overseas who wish to bring Category A, B or H firearms into Australia through the Northern Territory for safari hunting or competition shooting must apply for and be issued an International Visitors Permit.
If you are not brining a firearm to Australia you do not need to complete this form, however, will need to submit a Prohibited Person declaration to the company running the safari hunt at least 3 week prior to coming to Australia.
- Purchase/Transfer Permit
The holder of a licence may apply to the Commissioner for a permit to purchase or acquire a firearm.
- Prohibited Persons
A ‘prohibited person’ under NT Firearms Act 1997 cannot take part in an Open Day at a Pistol Club, play Paintball or use a firearm under the supervision of a licence holder (ie – safari hunting).
- Shooter's Licence
A Shooter's Licence is the most common type of firearms licence issued to individuals and allows for the private ownership of firearms for non-commercial purposes. Under the Firearms Act a person must be licensed to own, possess, purchase or discharge a firearm, however an applicant for a Shooter's Licence need not own a firearm in order to apply for a Licence.
- Storage
- Temporary Permit
A firearms Temporary Permit authorises the holder to possess and use firearms of category specified in the licence. Permits are valid for the nominated period on the application, but cannot exceed more than 12 months.
- Weapons
- Application for Weapons - Individual
- Application for Weapons - Corporate
- Application for Weapons Purchase Authority - Individual
- Application for Weapons Purchase Authority - Corporate
- Application for Weapons - Employee
- Application for OC Spray - Employee
- Application for OC Spray - Corporate
- Information - Controlled, Prohibited, Training Provider, Private Security Firms, Disposal Providers, Disposal Provider Employees, Security Employees, Instructor Employees
- OC Spray - Permission to inspect
- Notice of Change of Personal Particulars for Prohibited Weapons/Body Armour