The NT Police Force partners with many key organisations, to work better together and improve community safety outcomes, in regional and remote communities across the Territory.
The ultimate success of these partnerships depends on the tripartite approach between police, organisations and residents.

Crime Stoppers
Report Crime Anonymously 1800 333 000
Crime Stoppers' toll-free number 1800 333 000, allows people to make anonymous, confidential calls to police with information about any unsolved crime. Crime Stoppers do not have a Caller ID function active and cannot trace a call. All calls are treated in strictest confidence. When people call, they are issued with a code number which they quote when making further contact. If their information leads to an arrest, callers may be eligible for rewards of up to $1,000.
Crime Stoppers is a unique scheme based on a tripartite partnership between police, the media and the community, overcoming many of the reasons which inhibit people from reporting crime – not wanting to get involved, fear of retribution, or not being aware of the significance of something people may have observed. Many of the callers are people who may not come forward otherwise and a surprising number call out of civic-mindedness and never claim rewards.
The scheme has been extraordinarily successful around Australia, with arrests for everything – from homicides to burglaries.

Neighbourhood Watch NT

Community Night Patrol
Community Night Patrol (CNP) providers in the Top End have cemented their partnership with the Northern Territory Police, Fire and Emergency Services (NTPFES) to work better together to improve community safety outcomes in remote communities across the Northern Territory.
In November 2018, the Australian Government, and the NTPFES signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to facilitate greater collaboration between CNP providers and local police. The MOU forms the basis for local governance, agreements and partnerships to empower community engagement and solutions to improving safety.
Increased collaboration in communities between night patrollers and police ensures night patrollers are better supported to undertake their important role in helping to keep communities safe at night, helping to prevent crime and enhancing community resilience.
All parties work to actively promote and acknowledge the positive impact of the work undertaken by night patrollers and local police.