Bulman is known for its beauty and indigenous culture and Bulman Police Station is responsible for eight other outstations being Gorpulyul, Momob, Mount Jean, Baghetti, Mobarn, Mount Catt, Weemol and Barrapunta.
Fishing is a popular pastime and a number of species can be caught including barramundi, black bream and freshwater prawns. The people of the Bulman area are very strong in their culture and traditions.
The most common leisure activities within the community are fishing, bushwalking, hunting and various sports. AFL is very popular in the community. The Walamun Cultural Festival is an annual event in Bulman.
Bulman School services the Bulman and Weemol Communities and the children are brought in by bus. The school has students enrolled from Transition to Year 7 and classes are multi-age level.
Bulman Health Clinic is on-call for weekends and out-of-hours emergencies. A dentist also visits the community and the community clinic has an ambulance for any medical emergencies.
- Weemol Springs