Young people in the Northern Territory
NTPFES recognises the importance of engaging with young people in positive and innovative ways.
Our organisation supports a range of programs for youth including the NTPFES Cadets and Junior Police Rangers (JPRs).

The NT Police, Fire and Emergency Services Cadet program is a two-year program for students commencing Year 11

Junior Police Rangers
The Junior Police Rangers (JPR) program develops the leadership skills of young people by providing activities not generally available at schools. Each child participates in the program over a three year period, commencing in Year 8 and finishing at the conclusion of Year 10.

Northern Territory Police Youth Engagement Officers
The Northern Territory Police Youth Engagement Officers service in excess of 140 primary and secondary schools at urban, regional and remote communities across the NT.
Youth Engagement Officers are responsible for carrying out a proactive policing role through the establishment of positive relationships with students, parents and teaching staff to promote a supportive learning environment and safer school communities.
Fully sworn police officers, they also perform operational duties associated with their positions including regular patrols of residential areas, shopping complexes and bus interchanges both proactively and in response to reports of antisocial or criminal behaviour involving students.
Youth Engagement Officers are involved in the identifying youth at risk within the school system and working with Department of Education and Training to ensure that appropriate programs are in place to assist these students.
They also assist in the Family Responsibility Agreement and order process by identifying youth and families that may benefit from intervention by way of an agreement or order and establishing initial contact with these families and maintaining contact with them during the term of the agreement.