Emergency Management (EM) in the Northern Territory uses a three tier system of Local, Regional and Territory plans. Each of these has a committee or council established to manage and implement the specific plan. The EM framework has its legislative basis in the Emergency Management Act 2013 (The Act). Overarching policy is specified in the Territory Emergency Plan (TEP).
Local Emergency Committees (LEC), are an integral part of our ability to prevent, prepare, respond and recover from emergencies within our communities.
LEC members come from Territory and local government departments, private businesses and emergency management volunteer organisations. The training below has been established to provide information and support to these members.

Do you know your local plan?
Local Emergency Plans detail a set of arrangements in place within communities to support responses to emergency events and identify risks to communities from natural and man-made hazards.

Territory Emergency Management Council (TEMC)
TEMC is established under Section 36 of the The Act and provides leadership and oversight of the Territory’s emergency management arrangements.
Membership of TEMC includes the Commissioner of Police as the Territory Controller (co-chair), the Chief Executive Officer of the Department of the Chief Minister and Cabinet as the Territory Recovery Coordinator (co-chair), the Chief Officer of the NT Emergency Service as the Executive Officer and chief executives of government agencies who have a key role in preparing for, responding to and recovering from emergency events in the NT.
Emergency management plans
- Territory emergency and strategic plans
- Regional emergency plans
- Local emergency plans
Emergency management training
- Emergency Management courses
AIIMS AwarenessThis course is designed for and targeted towards personnel who work within or are considering working within the Northern Territory Emergency Management (EM) framework and may be required to:
- Support emergency management processes in their workplace or in their local community
- Assist with performing a non-managerial role in support of emergency operations
This is an accredited course delivered via online learning through the Australian and New Zealand National Fire and Emergency Services Council (AFAC) online learning website. The course should take approximately 8 hours to complete .Introduction to Emergency Management and Introduction to WebEOC
This course is designed for and targeted towards personnel who work within the NT EM framework as outlined in the Territory Emergency Plan (TEP).This course is for whole of NT government agencies that have emergency management requirements as part of the TEP, where their agencies have a response and / or recovery component identified in the Plan.
- Up to 4 hours face to face session or online through MyLearning for NTG employees
- Nil credential type and recognition but names are recorded for potential operations
- Nil pre-requisites, entry requirements, organisational and qualifications
- The course is delivered via interactive face to face delivery
- Program content topics may include: EM arrangements, The Act, TEMC, local controllers, plans (Territory, regional, local and recovery), Australasian Inter-Service Incident Management System (AIIMS), functional groups, funding and finance.
Australasian Inter-Service Incident Management System (AIIMS)This course is designed for and targeted towards members who are likely to fill command and control functions in an incident management structure throughout emergency incidents. The practical component provides essential experience in working within an Incident Management Team (IMT).
This is an accredited course for whole of NT government agencies that have EM requirements as part of the TEP, where their agencies have a response and/or recovery component identified in the Plan.
For further information regarding the course available please email training.emtu@pfes.nt.gov.au
AIIMS Level 2
These courses have been designed for and targeted towards members who have been working in a command and control function in an emergency operations centre and are now capable of performing the lead function role of; Incident Control, Planning, Operations or Logistics.
You must have completed the AIIMS course and have experience in an operational EOC to be eligible to attend the course. To attend the Control Level 2 course you must have also completed the Planning Level 2 course.
For further information regarding the course available please email training.emtu@pfes.nt.gov.au
- Emergency Risk Management
The National Emergency Risk Assessment Guidelines (NERAG) Online training course is designed to build understanding and confidence in the emergency risk management process. The guidelines are designed to provide a contextualised, emergency-related risk assessment and prioritisation approach, nationally consistent with the Australian Standard AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009 Risk management – principles and guidelines.
NERAG Online is available via the link free of charge, and readily accessible to all. The course comprises eight learning modules, which can be completed at a self-directed pace. Participants can save their progress, and complete the course over multiple sessions. A certificate of achievement is awarded upon completion of the course.
NERAG Online was developed for the Australian Government Attorney-General’s Department with funding provided through the National Emergency Management Project (NEMP). The course is hosted by the Australian Institute for Disaster Resilience (AIDR).
Visit Emergency Risk Management online course - when completed print the certificate and send to training.emtu@pfes.nt.gov.au to be recorded against your name.