What we do
The Northern Territory Fire and Rescue Service (NTFRS) Community Engagement unit primarily focus on educating the community about the dangers of fire and preparing people for when they may be faced with a fire situation. The NTFRS Community Engagement unit adopts a 'less means more' philosophy, where results are not measured by the number of fires attended but by the success of fire reduction programs – less structure fires, less grass and scrub fires, less motor vehicle crashes and less rural property fires.
The unit has strong working relationships with fire services from all states and territories throughout the Australasian Fire and Emergency Service Authorities Council work groups. This combined voice gives significant strength to projects undertaken in both the national and local arena.
Smart Sparx
A school based fire safety program aimed at Transition to Year 2-3 students aged five to eight years old.
The focus outcomes relate directly to promoting individual and community health with links to english, math, science and studies of society and environment.
The program is linked to the Australian curriculum framework with outcomes listed at Key Growth Point 3.
Fight Fire Fascination Program (FFF)
Designed to assist families/carers in dealing with individual juveniles who have engaged in fire play, fire-setting or who have lit fires but not committed a criminal offence.
The program also allows for referrals from children’s court, juvenile justice, schools, family doctors, paediatricians, psychologists, psychiatrists and social workers and in some cases deals with court referrals for more severe arson charges.
Choices is a student workshop aimed at educating learner and provisional drivers at the senior school level on the issues young road users face.
This program is a joint road safety educational initiative of the Northern Territory Government, through the Department of Transport Road Safety, Northern Territory Police, Fire and Emergency Services and St John Ambulance, supported by the Department of Education.
The NTFRS workshop is suitable for groups of up to 30 students, larger groups can be accommodated, but must be organised prior to visit.
Less requested programs
- Basic fire awareness
This program provides basic fire awareness information, however, is only available in areas where there is no appropriate alternative programs available through the private sector.
- Fire safety in the home
Aimed at all levels of the community, this PowerPoint presentation provides basic home fire safety information. It covers the main aspects of fire dangers in and around the home and gives advice on what to look for and how to deal with fire safety issues identified.
- Reaching the hard to reach
The aim of the presentation is to provide all family carers access to basic home fire safety information to enhance their safety, and the safety of the people for whom they provide care. The presentation covers:
- Smoke alarms - legislation, types of smoke alarms, placement, maintenance
- Risk reduction - in the kitchen, laundry, electrical, general and outdoors
- Evacuation - being prepared, evacuation in an emergency, guidance if you are unable to get out
- Rural environments
Volunteer Community Educator
This is currently under view.
The Volunteer Community Educator (VCE) is a non-operational role in a Northern Territory Fire and Rescue Service (NTFRS) Volunteer Fire Brigade; to become a VCE you need to be a current NTFRS volunteer member. Being a member of a volunteer fire brigade is a great way to learn new skills and get to know people and build networks within your community.
VCEs perform a crucial role in delivering NTFRS education, information and presentations on a range of topics and provide information to their local communities, groups and schools in the lead up to the fire season and during/after an incident.
- What do Volunteer Community Educator's offer to communities?
Volunteer Community Educator's can present programs and provide assistance with the following:
- Are you bushfire prepared? PREPARE. ACT. SURVIVE.
- Bushfire Survival Plans
- Fire Breaks
- Permits to Burn.- School Based Programs Fire Safety in the Home - what you can do to prepare your home.
- Understanding Smoke alarms and Smoke alarm Regulations.
- Emergency Alerts.
- Accessing BoM.
- Understanding SEWS.
- Where and how to seek additional information.
- Fire Danger Rating signs – how they relate to you.
- Information on Fire Wardens and Building evacuation requirements.
Volunteer Community Educator's will conduct presentations tailored to specific needs; this can include small or large group presentations or one-on-one advice to community members – assisting in handing education back to residents, enabling them to build resilience and take greater ownership of their risk mitigation.
- Am I suitable to be a Volunteer Community Educator?
As a Volunteer Community Educator you need to be a positive, community minded person who is comfortable presenting in front of small or large groups of people, and be willing to develop the skills required to take on this role.
Current serving members who have an interest in becoming a Volunteer Community Educator may apply and maintain their operational firefighter status. However, upon attendance at a fire call or incident that requires both volunteer firefighters and volunteer community educators you may only undertake one role for that incident.
Fire escape plan
If your home or business was to catch fire, how would you escape?
- Have a plan
Every home and business should have a fire escape plan. Accidental fires can catch people unawares. Without an escape plan you are placing the lives of everybody in your home in jeopardy.
Plan your actions before a fire happens - draw your escape plan now! You can print out an A4 or an A3 version.
Be sure to add a safe meeting place and always discuss your plan with the rest of your household or colleagues. When complete place your plan somewhere prominent in your home or business (for example on the fridge) to keep it fresh in everyones mind.
Everyone in your household or business, including children, should discuss your evacuation plan, agree what actions should be taken in the event of a fire and practise your plan.
In the event of a fire follow your escape plan. CRAWL DOWN LOW, GET OUT and STAY OUT! Close doors as you go to help slow the spread of fire. If your clothes catch fire, STOP, DROP, COVER and ROLL until the flames are extinguished.
- Tips on home fire escape plans
- Draw a floor plan of your home
- Draw your escape plan and discuss your escape plan with other occupants including children
- Make sure that windows and screens can be easily opened
- Provide alternatives for anyone with a disability
- Decide on a safe outside meeting place eg. near the letterbox
- Once you get out, STAY OUT, never go back inside a burning building
- Practice your plan at least twice a year, making sure that everyone is involved
- If you live in an apartment building learn and practice your building's evacuation plan
- If you hear the fire alarm, leave immediately
- Use the stairs – NEVER use a lift/elevator during a fire
- Smoke alarms can save your life
Having working smoke alarms installed on every level of your home dramatically increases your chances of survival. Smoke alarm batteries need to be tested monthly and replaced yearly.
FACT: When fire takes hold, EVERY SECOND COUNTS. In less than 30 seconds a small flame can get completely out of control and turn into a major fire.
- Fire safety tips for around the house
- Security screens and doors require special precautions. Windows and doors with screens and deadlocks can trap you in a fire. Keys should always be left in the lock or in a safe place near the door when you are at home, to enable a safe and speedy exit.
- Never open doors that are hot to the touch. To make sure that fire is not on the other side of the door, use the back of your hand to feel a closed door. If it feels hot, use your alternate escape route.
- Remember, close the doors after you to help slow the spread of fire.
Basic home fire safety training materials
NTFRS in partnership with Australian fire services and the Australasian Fire and Emergency Services Authorities Council (AFAC) have worked with the Vocational Educational and Training (VET) sector to have home fire safety included into national qualifications for community care and health industry workers.
See the complete list of units of competency and the VET qualifications which include fire safety.
To ensure currency and consistency of the information, fire services have developed the training materials for registered training organisations which deliver the relevant qualifications in every state and territory.
Fire services also recommend their use by community care providers as part of induction of new workers and skills maintenance of existing workers; and individual providers of care including paid workers and family carers.
To download the training materials visit the AFAC Basic Home Fire Safety Training Materials page.
Darwin Rural Block Fire Behaviour Simulation
Charles Darwin University has created an online rural block fire simulation tool. This tool is aimed at improving landholder knowledge of bushfire planning and mitigation strategies and the increasing fire risks associated with the spread of Gamba grass.
This online fire simulation “game” allows you to play with fire weather conditions and add in fire breaks and Gamba grass. You can also add Gamba to a whole block using the “Sprout Gamba” button.
After a fire
Nothing can really prepare you for the impact of a fire or other emergency on your family and property. Even a small fire or flood can make you feel helpless and unsure of what to do next. The NTFRS Community Education unit has prepared information to give you some guidance on the important things you need to do if the unimaginable happens, just click on the downloads button below.
Triple Zero Kids challenge
An online game developed to teach children about seeking help and dealing with dangerous situations.
Throughout the progress of the game children make decisions about situations they find themselves in and learn about getting help.
Children are also able to hear what happens when you call triple zero. Along the way they will meet the “Zeros” as they are guided step-by-step through the game. Visit the website for the Teacher Guide and Resource Pack
Li'L Larrikins
The Li'L Larrikins are a group of friends having big adventures and learning about natural hazards in a small outback town.
These videos you will get to meet Amy, Trev and Jimmy as well as Maddy the Koala and Bob the dog as they learn all about how to prepare for and manage the dangerous bushfire season. Follow along as they teach about fire safety, emergency plans and preventative measures.