Commissioner of Police
Michael Murphy APM
Michael Murphy APM joined the Northern Territory Police Force in 1997. Throughout his career, he has served in various locations across the entire Northern Territory working in general duties, investigations and across Command and Executive leadership since 2011.
Mr Murphy was promoted to Superintendent in 2008, Commander in 2011, Assistant Commissioner in 2017 and Deputy Commissioner Operations in 2018.
Mr Murphy was appointed to Commissioner of Police in August 2023.
Commissioner Murphy provides strong leadership clearly focused on serving the community through increased service delivery, prevention and engagement.
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Mr Murphy takes pride in looking after the work force to ensure it is well resourced and healthy, challenging the status quo and committing to future proofing the agency for a contemporary service with investment in leadership succession.
He has been honoured in 2018 with the Australian Police Medal for distinguished service, leadership and strategic thinking; the National Police Medal, National Medal, the NT Police Service Medal, the Remote Service Ribbon and the CDOVID19 Medal. He has also been awarded the Australian Federal Police Operations Medal for Operation Pleach.
Mr Murphy holds a diploma in Public Safety, a Graduate Certificate in Leadership and Strategic Management from Charles Darwin University and a Graduate Certificate in Applied Management from the Australian Institute of Police Management (AIPM). He has also completed the AIPM Graduate Diploma in Leadership and Strategy and the Australia and New Zealand Leadership Strategy Program.
Additionally, Mr Murphy serves on the very important role on the Board of Management for the NT Police Legacy.

Chief Operating Officer
Keith Fernandez
Keith Fernandez was appointed as Chief Operating Officer on 20 May 2022.
Keith commenced with the Northern Territory Police, Fire and Emergency Services in October 2020; providing executive strategic support to the Northern Territory Fire and Rescue Service and the wider-agency, including the Territory Controller in the delivery of COVID-19 quarantine arrangements at the Centre for National Resilience for the National Repatriation of Australians during the pandemic.
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Keith’s public service careers spans almost 30 years. Keith has held senior executive positions in a number of NT Government departments, including the departments of Treasury and Finance, Chief Minister and Cabinet, and the former department of Local Government, Housing and Community Development.
He has extensive experience in economics and environmental policy, intergovernmental relations and strategic policy, legal policy coordination, legislative and regulatory reform, Royal Commissions and Inquiries, corporate governance and business services.

Chief of Staff
Lisa Wilson
Lisa was appointed to the position of Chief of Staff for the Office of the Commissioner and CEO in March 2022.
She has 21 years' experience working with the Northern Territory Government of which 19 years were with the former Department of Housing and Local Government.
During this period Lisa worked as a Public Housing Tenancy Officer, Ministerial Liaison Officer in Secretariat, Manager Housing Policy, Manager Law Reform Local Government, and for the last 8 years as Director of the Office of the Chief Executive.
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Lisa commenced with the Northern Territory Police, Fire and Emergency Services in September 2020 and was acting in the Chief of Staff position from March 2021.
In her capacity as Chief of Staff, Lisa provides high level executive leadership and direction to the Office of the Commissioner and CEO, the executive of the tri-service and is the interface between the agency and the Minister. Lisa manages and leads the Governance and Business Improvement, Legal, Media and Corporate Communications, Secretariat and Strategic Policy business units.

Deputy Commissioner of Police
Martin Dole APM
Martin Dole joined the Northern Territory Police Force in 1997 and served in various locations across the Territory including Alice Springs, Yuendumu, Ti Tree and Darwin as a general duties officer.
Since earning his detective designation in 2004, Mr Dole has held numerous investigative roles. He has worked in the Crime Intelligence Bureau, Regional Investigations, Sexual Crime Unit, Major Crime Unit, Special Operations Sections, Drug Enforcement Unit, Criminal Investigations Development Unit, Darwin Major Crash Investigations, and the Serious Crime and Special References Unit. His extensive experience, professionalism, and integrity have led to his involvement in numerous high-profile cases.
Mr Dole is a graduate of the FBI National Academy, which included a 10 week residential program in Quantico in 2017, which has continued strong relationships with law enforcement around the world.
Mr Dole was appointed Assistant Commissioner of Regional and Remote Operations in December 2021. Due to his exemplary service, Mr Dole was appointed Deputy Commissioner of Police in May 2024.

Assistant Commissioner
Janelle Tonkin
Assistant Commissioner Janelle Tonkin began her policing career in 2001 with the South Australian Police Force, working in areas including general duties, armed robbery, drug and organized crime, and criminal investigations. In January 2008, she transferred to the Northern Territory Police Force, relocating to Alice Springs where she promoted to Detective Sergeant, focusing on domestic, family, and sexual violence, homicide, and child abuse investigations. She was key in developing the Family Safety Framework, a government initiative against domestic violence.
In 2013, Janelle moved to Darwin where she was promoted to Senior Sergeant and managed the Sex Crime Investigation Unit and the Major Crash Investigation Unit. Promoted to Superintendent in 2017, she led Internal Investigations within the Professional Standards Command. In March 2020, she was promoted to Commander, Northern Region and moved to Katherine. Returning to Darwin in June 2022, she again led the Professional Standards Command and in June 2023, Janelle established the Territory Community Safety Coordination Centre and was promoted to Assistant Commissioner in that portfolio in April 2024.
Janelle holds a Master’s Degree in International Executive Police Leadership from Charles Sturt University, is a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, and the ANZCTC Police Commanders course. She mentors female leaders across government and has received several awards, including the ACWAP Excellence in Policing for Women’s Initiatives and the Executive Leadership Development Award.

Assistant Commissioner
Hege Burns APM
Acting Assistant Commissioner Burns APM joined the Northern Territory Police Force in 1993 as an Auxiliary before becoming a Constable in 1995, where she was posted to Darwin Police Station. During her 30 years of service Ms Burns has worked remote, regional and metropolitan. Her policing experience includes operational policing, intelligence, counter terrorism, emergency management and specialist support services. Ms Burns has assisted Emergency Operation Centres across the Northern Territory on numerous occasions in response to cyclones, floods and bush fires. In 2009, she was deployed to Victoria to provide assistance during the catastrophic bush fires.
Ms Burns has been the officer in charge of Security and Emergency Coordination Section as well as Casuarina Police Station.
In 2017 she was promoted to Superintendent in charge of Territory Specialist Support Services, then in 2019 she was the Superintendent Northern Division, managing Top End remote policing stations and posts before taking up a position as Territory Duty Superintendent within the Joint Emergency Services Communication Centre (JESCC).
In 2021 during COVID-19 pandemic she was appointed as an Incident Controller in the Northern Territory Emergency Operations Centre ensuring the safety of the NT community, as well as facilitating and supporting the safe return of thousands of Australians stranded overseas as a result of the pandemic. Later that year she was promoted to Commander, Police College Command.
Acting Assistant Commissioner Burns has a Graduate Certificate in Applied Management (Policing and Emergency Services). She was awarded the Australian Police Service Medal in 2024.
Ms Burns is currently acting in the position of Assistant Commissioner for People and Wellbeing.

Assistant Commissioner
Peter Kennon
Mr. Kennon is currently serving as the Assistant Commissioner for Regional and Remote Operations, based in Alice Springs, a role he has held since January 2024. Prior to this, he was the Commander of Crime Command and has accumulated over 26 years of experience with NT Police, working in a broad range of policing contexts. His extensive experience includes high-level financial control and human resource management, delivering results with limited resources, innovative problem-solving in policing services, building relationships to enhance community service, and providing leadership to drive cultural and organizational change.
Mr. Kennon’s qualifications and training include the Counter Terrorism Senior Investigating Officer Course from ANZCTC, the Company Directors Course from the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD), the AIIMS Incident Controller Level 2 Course, and the Management of Serious Crime (MOSC 58) Program at AFP College. He has also served as a Visiting Fellow for MOSC 59 at the AFP College.

Assistant Commissioner
Michael White APM
Michael White joined the Northern Territory Police Force in 1984. He has served in various capacities within the Northern Territory Police Force, including extensive periods as Acting Assistant Commissioner.
Mr White was promoted to Southern Commander in September 2017. Throughout his extensive career, Mr White has contributed his expertise to numbers regions across the Northern Territory including, Alice Springs, Batchelor, Nhulunbuy, Katherine and Jabiru.
Mr White currently sits as the Assistant Commissioner of Domestic Violence and Youth.

Assistant Commissioner
Travis Wurst
Travis Wurst joined the Northern Territory Police Force in July 1995, starting as a general duties officer in Alice Springs and serving in remote communities including Papunya, Yuendumu, and Nhulunbuy.
He holds undergraduate degrees in Law and Investigations and a Master's in Investigations.
In 2000, Mr Wurst transitioned to investigations, becoming a detective in 2002 in the Sexual Crimes Unit. Promoted to Detective Sergeant in 2005, he moved to Major Crime. He served as Officer in Charge of central Australian remote stations and as well as the local Crime OIC. Promoted to Superintendent in 2013, he managed community safety in Alice Springs.
In 2016, Mr Wurst returned to Darwin as Superintendent Major Crime and then Commander Crime. In 2019 as Commander Darwin, he operated as the Regional Emergency Management Controller as well as leading the Police Operations Centre.
He was officially appointed to Assistant Commissioner in 2021 whilst working as the Territory COVID 19 Response Co-Ordinator. He then moved to the Greater Darwin, Road Safety and Support and has held the Crime and Intelligence portfolio since October 2023.

Assistant Commissioner
Matthew Hollamby APM
Matt Hollamby APM joined the Northern Territory Police Force in February 1985. During his 39 years of service, Mr Hollamby has served in a variety of locations including Darwin, Katherine, Tennant Creek, Alice Springs and Groote Eylandt. He has worked in a wide range of sections including General Duties, Criminal Investigations, Drug & Organised Crime and the then Police Prosecutions Section. He received a Detective designation in 1989.
Mr Hollamby was promoted to Commissioned Officer rank in 2002 and to the rank of Commander in 2016. In 2024, he was promoted to the rank of Assistant Commissioner of Greater Darwin, Road Policing & Specialist Support portfolio. Prior to this promotion, he was the Commander of Organised Crime, Intelligence & Capability.
Mr Hollamby holds a Graduate Certificate in Applied Management. In 2012, he was invited by the Australian Federal Police to be a directing staff member of an International Management of Serious Crime Program in Semarang, Indonesia.
In 2022, Mr Hollamby was awarded the Australian Police Medal.
Mr Hollamby currently sits as the Assistant Commissioner of Greater Darwin, Road Safety and Support.

Chief Fire Officer, Northern Territory Fire and Rescue Service
Mark Spain AFSM
Mark Spain AFSM was appointed Chief Fire Officer of the Northern Territory Fire and Rescue Service on 11 July 2016.
Mr Spain joined the NTFRS Operations D Watch, Darwin in 1986 after completing his recruit program with the, then, Western Australian Fire Brigade. Most of Mr Spain's career has been with the Northern Territory Fire and Rescue Service, having been promoted to Station Officer in 1994 and transferring to Operations B Watch before taking a two year posting as the OIC of Jabiru’s Emergency Response Area.
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In 1997, Mark transferred back to Operations A Watch and then transferred to Training and Development for two years with several career highlights including delivering two recruit programs as the lead instructor training fire service members from Kupung, West Timor. Mr Spain also implemented new breathing apparatus sets into service, along with the Freight liners FL80s and TELESQIRTS aerial/pumpers program.
In 2001, Mark laterally transferred as a senior firefighter to the ACT Fire Brigade experiencing the 2001 and 2003 Canberra fires, and in 2004 had relocated to Ballarat Victoria as a Structural Instructor for the Country Fire Authority before returning to the NTFRS in 2005 as a Senior Station Officer. Mark was promoted to District Officer in 2008 and was OIC across a number of Commands including Training and Development, Capability and Development, Fire Safety and Operations Darwin and Northern.
Mark has a Graduate Certificate in Applied Management and completed the Strategic Command Program through the AIPM.

Deputy Chief Fire Officer, Territory Operations
Stephen Sewell AFSM
Stephen Sewell AFSM was appointed to Deputy Chief Fire Officer of the Northern Territory Fire and Rescue Service in November 2020.
Mr Sewell's career includes service in the Australian Army and the Northern Territory Fire and Rescue Service. In these roles, he has contributed to military operations and preparedness, operational firefighting, training and development, fire safety, recruitment and community engagement functions.

Director, Northern Territory Emergency Service
Fleur O'Connor
Fleur O’Connor brings a wealth of experience to the role of Northern Territory Emergency Service (NTES) Director. Commencing with our organisation in January 2010, Ms O’Connor has worked in a variety of senior roles including Senior Strategic Policy Officer to the former Northern Territory Fire, Rescue and Emergency Services (NTFRES), Assistant Manager Volunteer Training Unit NTFRES, Assistant Director Secretariat and Protocol, Assistant Director Legislative Reform Unit, Departmental Liaison Officer and Staff Officer to the Commissioner and CEO. She was also a volunteer at the Virginia/Bees Creek Volunteer Fire Brigade and was Captain of the unit for over five years, ensuring operational readiness of the unit and managing its volunteers.
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Ms O’Connor has completed AIIMS Level 2 incident controller qualification and has been part of the Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) in a variety of roles over the years, most recently in response to Tropical Cyclone Trevor. She has been observed as calm during periods of high pressure and able to bring meaningful contributions to EOC debriefs.
Ms O’Connor has actively contributed to the strategic direction of NTES, having developed and implemented business plans which align with NTPFES strategic priorities. She has also led work to reform the Emergency Management Act and has been appointed to the Senior Officers Cohort of Australasian Fire and Emergency Services Council (AFAC).