
Service area

Cannabis Seized - Gapuwiyak

A 43-year-old man has been charged with drug offences following the execution of a search warrant near Gapuwiyak yesterday.

Carlie Sinclair - One Year On

Northern Territory Police are calling for information from the public relating to the disappearance of Carlie Sinclair on the night of 18 June last year.

Death - Kings Canyon

Police are investigating the death of a 23-year-old British woman who fell from the Rim Walk at Kings Canyon Sunday afternoon.

National Crackdown on Illicit Firearms: Police call on the community for information

Police across Australia are today launching a co-ordinated campaign against criminals with illicit firearms. Encouraged by the support received in a similar campaign last year, police are launching the two week operation (16–29 June 2014) called ‘Illegal Guns off our Streets’ which aims to get illicit firearms out of the hands of criminals.