
Service area

Juvenile Offenders Charged

The eight alleged offenders apprehended following a ram-raid on a Howard Springs business have been charged with a combined 90 offences.

Firearms / Weapons Seized Following Theft Investigation

A 29 year-old man has been charged with 13 counts of stealing following an Investigation into the theft of several thousand dollars from a business in Palmerston. Serious Crime Squad Detectives conducted a search warrant at the home of the alleged suspect as part of the investigation and uncovered an arsenal of firearms and other weapons.

Youths Face 64 Charges - Darwin

Strike Force Trident members have arrested three male youths, aged 12, 15 and 16, following a crime spree through the Northern Suburbs last week.

Lock It or Lose It - Alice Springs

Alice Springs Police are reminding people staying in hotel accommodation to lock their hotel rooms after a series of unlawful entries in the last day.