Media release

Property Arrest - Alice Springs


Police have arrested a 12-year-old boy in relation to property offences in Desert Springs.

Detective Superintendent Brent Warren said a member of the public contacted police after observing the boy acting suspiciously in the area.

“The boy was allegedly peering over fences of residential premises.

“Strike Force Vega members immediately patrolled the area and recovered stolen property before apprehending the male.

“A door knock of the area identified more victims, some of whom were completely unaware that crimes had taken place on their properties.

“A bicycle had been taken from an unsecured yard and items stolen from an unlocked shed.

“The information provided to Police led to the boy’s arrest and property being returned to the owners.

 The boy was charged with unlawful entry, stealing and trespass and has been remanded in custody to appear in the Alice Springs Youth Justice Court on 8th December.

“We encourage people to report any suspicious activity, no matter how insignificant they may feel that to be, as every bit of information can help Police piece together the bigger picture and make the arrests that help keep people safe.

“During the month of November there were 33 arrests for 133 property related offences in Alice Springs. During the holiday season, remember to secure your premises, keep valuables out of sight and if you are going away, arrange a house sitter or tell your neighbours so they can keep an eye on your place.

“Police need you to report suspicious activity, even if it is something you notice that just doesn’t ‘feel right’ or is out of the ordinary, such as a person checking out houses in your street or taking notice of when people leave their homes and go to work,” said Detective Superintendent Warren.

Members of the public can call Police on 131 444 or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.