Media release

Graduation of Recruit Firefighter Squad 46

Fire and Rescue

Northern Territory Fire and Rescue Service congratulate the members of Recruit Firefighter Squad 46 who will graduate tomorrow.

In a ceremony at Darwin Fire Station, the recruits will become fully-fledged firefighters in front of an audience of family and friends.

Chief Fire Officer Mark Spain said, “It’s a proud day as we welcome recruits from Squad 46, who have committed themselves to a career in serving and protecting the community.”

The 12-member squad has completed an intense 17-week training course that included training in road crash rescue, wildfire and urban fire, HAZMAT response, search and rescue and technical skills that will help them to keep Territorians and visitors alike safe.

Four graduates are being posted to Alice Springs Fire Station, and eight will take up positions across the Greater Darwin Region.

The graduation will be lived streamed from 5pm on the Northern Territory Police, Fire and Emergency Services Facebook page.

Please join us in congratulating the members of Recruit Firefighter Squad 46.