Media release

Larapinta Fires

Fire and Rescue

Northern Territory Fire and Rescue Service has renewed calls for rural landholders to maintain their firebreaks.

A four-metre firebreak around the perimeter, which consists of either bare earth or grass slashed to less than 50mm, should in place.

The installation of firebreaks on rural properties is not just a legislative requirement but is also an essential step to take to protect property during the fire season. Not only does it assist in slowing down a fire, but it also provides clear access for attending fire crews.

Acting Senior Station Officer Matt Jenkins said, “With the Larapinta fires in early August, firefighters noticed several areas of concern. Occupants need to be prepared, as grass is now fully cured after frosts and there are increasing windy conditions.

“We would like to thank residents from the Larapinta area for their help last week, in using their garden hoses on the grass along their fence lines, and assisting our crews with gaining access to their properties and  keeping their dogs restrained. This assistance was greatly appreciated and aided in preventing any major property damage from occurring.”