Media release

COVID-19 - Infringement issued


Northern Territory Police are reminding travellers of the requirements for wearing face masks when in attendance at airports.

This morning, a 29-year-old man has attended the Darwin Airport without wearing a face mask. He was approached by staff and directed to put on a face mask before attempting to push past the staff member and continue towards the departing lounge.

Police intervened to assist, providing the man with a face mask however, he has refused to wear one and became aggressive towards authorities.

The man has been issued with two infringements said Incident Controller Sachin Sharma.

“One for failing to comply with the Chief Health Officers directions and one for disorderly behaviour in a public place.

“It’s critical that travellers understand the importance of wearing a face mask in the airport. There is a lot of foot traffic through the airport, with people crossing paths with travellers from a variety of destinations”.

The penalty for failing to abide by the Chief Health Officer Directions issued under section 56 of the Public and Environment Health Act 2011 is $5024 for an individual (32 penalty units) and $25,120 for a business (160 penalty units).