Media release

COVID-19 Infringements – Darwin


Northern Territory Police have issued further infringement notices for failing to obey directions set by the Chief Health Officer.

In a number of incidents yesterday:

  • Three men and two women aged between 20 and 29 staying in commercial accommodation on Mitchell Street were found to be breaching the directions of the Chief Health Officer. Guests are required to stay in their rooms and if using shared facilities to wear masks and remain 1.5 metres apart.
  • A 48-year-old man has been issued with an infringement for not remaining within his approved area at the Centre for National Resilience.
  • A 67-year-old man has been issued with an infringement, also for not remaining within his approved area at the Centre for National Resilience.
  • A 53-year-old man walking his dogs near Darwin International Airport was issued an infringement by Australian Federal Police officers after refusing to wear a mask.

Incident Controller Sachin Sharma said whether you’re a visitor to the Northern Territory or a resident, everyone is expected to comply with the CHO directions.

“The directions are made to reduce movement and minimise contact within the community.

“We need everyone to abide by the directions if we are want to minimise the period we are in lockdown.

“For the most part, the public has done a great job during this lockdown; it’s a small minority who are putting themselves and the community at risk.

“NT Police will take a very dim view of people who selfishly ignore instructions. The effects of the pandemic on communities around Australia are widely known and there’s no excuse for flagrant breaches of the rules.”