Media release

COVID-19 Infringements - Travellers Refused Entry


Northern Territory Police would like to remind people not to travel to the Territory unless you have obtained all relevant approvals, after police issued 11 infringement notices today to travellers.

Six infringements were issued in Darwin and five in Alice Springs, for failing to have an exemption in place prior to arrival as required under the Chief Health Officer Directions.

Entry is now strictly prohibited from hotspots or public exposure sites, except for returning Territorians or those who have received an approved exemption to enter for the purposes of quarantining from the NT CHO.  Exemptions to enter the Northern Territory may take up to 72 hours to process.

Incident Controller Acting Commander Hege Burns said, “Travelling from declared hotspots and exposure sites to the Territory is now prohibited unless you obtain prior approval. 

“Today we saw 11 infringement notices being issued to travellers who arrived without the necessary exemptions who were then required to leave the Territory on the next available flight.  The border restrictions are in place to minimise travelling from hot spots and exposure sites in to the NT in order to keep all Territorians safe.”

The penalty for failing to abide by the Chief Health Officer Directions issued under section 56 of the Public and Environment Health Act 2011 is $5056 for an individual and $25,280 for a business.

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