Media release

Disturbance - Ngukurr


Police arrested five offenders yesterday in relation to a large disturbance that occurred in Ngukurr.

Police responded to reports of disturbance at around 7:00 pm Monday evening however were able to move all parties on.

Members were again alerted to a disturbance occurring in the Ngukurr community at approximately 11:00 am yesterday.

Upon arrival members witnessed approximately 150 people gathered in the streets, several of whom had weapons including rocks, spears, nulla nulla's and machetes.

During the disturbance, one of the attending members was threatened with a machete.

Police from Katherine and Minyerri as well as Night Patrol members also attended to help quell the disturbance and seize the weapons.

A male aged 19 was conveyed to the local clinic after receiving a laceration to the head, believed to have been caused by a large rock.

Five males aged 23, 27, 28, 30 and 35-years have been arrested and charged with numerous offences including:

Engage in violent conduct
Going armed in public
Aggravated assault
Threatening behaviour in a public place.

Police are continuing their investigations into other co-offenders.

Acting Superintendent Pauline Polychrone said she is disappointed that the disturbance reached the point where police had to attend.

"Thanks to the swift response of police and Night Patrol members, the disturbance was dealt with quickly, with several people being taken into police custody.

"I would also like to thank the community elders as well as a representative from the Northern Land Council for their assistance.

"The situation could have ended up a lot worse, thankfully, only one person needed medical attention.

"Police will continue regular patrols throughout the community" she said.

Media Contact:
Amy Sloan
8922 3365