Media release

Drink drivers


Police have nabbed two more drink drivers overnight as members continue to patrol the streets conducting random breath tests throughout the Darwin, Palmerston and rural areas.

At approximately 2:55 am police witnessed a 31-year-old female travelling along Trower Road in Millner whilst talking on a mobile phone.

She was subsequently pulled over and returned a positive road side breath test, later returning a reading of 0.136 percent.

She was charged with driving with a medium range blood alcohol content and driving while using a hand held mobile phone.

A 29-year-old male driver of a Ford Laser was pulled over for the purpose of a breath test in Moulden at 4:55 am.

He was found to have a blood alcohol concentration of 0.143 percent and was charged with driving with a medium range blood alcohol content, driving unlicensed and was also issued with a traffic infringement notice for not wearing a seatbelt.

Both offenders were bailed to appear on 5 February.

Media Contact:
Amy Sloan
8922 3365