Media release

Commendation for Brave Conduct


A Northern Territory Police Senior Sergeant was announced today as the recipient of a Commendation for Brave Conduct in recognition of his act of bravery.

The award recognises the heroic actions of those persons in our community who selflessly place themselves in hazardous situations to protect the lives and property of others.

Senior Sergeant Garry Smith is acknowledged for his attempts to extinguish a large house fire and rescue any occupants from the fatal blaze that occurred early on Saturday 10 March 2007.

As Alice Springs Watch Commander, he arrived at the scene of the house fire on Lander Court and immediately checked the safety of a neighbour who was trying to cool down gas cylinders and instructed him to leave.

He then proceeded to hose down the cylinders himself for fear that they might explode before feeling his skin burn and developed trouble breathing.

He made his way to the rear of the building to attempt entry despite the flames and thick smoke. He smashed a window with his torch, becoming immediately engulfed by black smoke but continuing to remove shards of glass to gain access.

Repeatedly calling out into the residence, he climbed halfway through the window but was forced to retreat because of the toxic smoke.

Senior Sergeant Smith was overcome by severe smoke inhalation, lacerations and burns and was conveyed to hospital after collapsing.

Watch Commander and Senior Sergeant Garry Smith said he is proud to receive this award.

"I accept this award on behalf of every Police Officer, Fire Officer whether paid or volunteer, Emergency Services and Ambulance Service personnel, knowing full well that each and every one of those would do the same under similar circumstances" he said.

Northern Territory Police Commissioner, Paul White said Senior Sergeant Smith can be very proud of this recognition.

"Senior Sergeant Garry Smith selflessly risked his life in an attempt to save others.

"This was not only an act of bravery, but a natural instinct for Senior Sergeant Smith which clearly defines his character and dedication as a Northern Territory Police member to serve and protect our community.

"It is pleasing to see his actions recognised by a Commendation for Brave Conduct" Commissioner White said.

The Australian Bravery Awards are approved by Her Excellency, Ms Quentin Bryce AC, Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia and Chancellor of the Order of Australia. More information can be found at or

Media contact:
Amy Sloan
8922 3365