Media release

Alcohol seized – Alice Springs


Police seized more than 850 cans of beer and six litres of spirits during a six-hour traffic operation near Aileron on Friday night.
Police from Ti Tree, Willowra and Alice Springs joined forces to run the campaign following a high level of anti-social behaviour in the neighbouring Ti Tree community on Thursday night. Senior Sergeant David Chalker said the campaign was organised to target traffic offences and grog-running into prescribed communities.
"It was apparent from the behaviour of some people at Ti Tree on Thursday night that there was a lot of alcohol being consumed at the community. Ti Tree Police organised the combined traffic operation to combat what we believed was illicit alcohol being brought into the neighbouring communities.
"Police set up Roadside Breath-testing Stations on the Stuart Highway both north and South of Aileron for a six hour period and the results were simply staggering.
"Eight people were arrested for a range of offences including drink driving, and a huge amount of liquor was seized. This included 849 cans of beer, six litres of spirits including vodka and rum and 16 litres of pre-mixed spirits."
Senior Sergeant David Chalker said it was becoming increasingly apparent to police that grog-running into dry communities remained a major issue and police would continue to run these sorts of operations to combat the problem.
Media contact:
Theresa Kuilboer
8951 8825
0419 803 603