Media release

Katherine police slam drink drivers


Police have issued a warning to Katherine drivers after what they describe as a "horror night" on the roads at the weekend.

Katherine regional Commander Jeanette Kerr said police were appalled after arresting ten drink drivers on Saturday night. Commander Kerr said of particular concern was the high readings and the fact they were apprehended on a normal night - not even as a result of a traffic campaign.

"Clearly some people aren't getting the message," Commander Kerr said.

"This was a normal Saturday night in Katherine and we arrested ten drink drivers - most of them very heavily intoxicated with high blood alcohol readings. In fact one woman was so drunk she was driving on the wrong side of the road.

"Everybody in the community has a responsibility to take on drink drivers. This includes licensees, bar staff and people who have friends at their homes for social functions. If you are happy to fill people up with grog and turn a blind eye when they drive, then you should be prepared to share the responsibility and guilt when they kill or maim someone on the road.

"There was also a serious motor vehicle accident 30 kilometres north of Katherine over the weekend with the driver and the passenger both drunk. I for one, don't like drunk drivers putting my life or my family's at risk, and neither should anyone else. We all have the right to travel safely on the roads.

"As a community we need to take control of this serious risk to our safety. Don't let friends and family drink and drive. Don't get into the car with a drink driver. Call the police and report drink drivers. A licence suspension is over in six to 12 months. A death sentence isn't!"

Media contact:
Theresa kuilboer
(08)89 223531