Media release

Drug Seizure Jabiru


Police have apprehended a 25-year-old male in relation to drug offences.

The man was initially apprehended for driving unlicensed, but a subsequent search of his vehicle revealed 121.5 grams of cannabis separated into 5 large bags, 29 ecstasy tablets and deal bags for alleged street distribution.

The offender has been charged in relation to the following offences:

Possess dangerous drug in a public place
Possess a trafficable quantity of a dangerous drug
Supply dangerous drug
Armed with an offensive weapon at night
Drive a motor vehicle while unlicensed

The offender's Holden Commodore Sedan was immediately seized and retained by police and the man has been bailed to appear in Jabiru Court on 26 May.

All charges carry a term of imprisonment on the finding of guilt and indicate the seriousness and implications involved in these types of offences.

Superintendent Braam, in charge of the Northern Operational Service Division said "Traffickers of drugs and grog be warned - we will continue to target you. We are putting all available resources into stopping you coming to our communities and exploiting the local people. We will take your cars, your tainted cash and other tainted property."

Media Contact:
Rickie Scoot
8922 3185