Media release

Arrests over false complaint - Palmerston


Two men have been arrested following a report of an armed robbery at a Palmerston club last night.

Police received a report just before 10pm that a staff member had been assaulted during a robbery at the Palmerston Golf Club.

Police investigating the incident were told by the 24-year-old man that he was closing up and had gone outside to put the rubbish out when he was struck to the head by an unknown attacker as he was coming back inside. He said two offenders then forced him to empty the tills and remain kneeling behind the bar as they made their escape.

Police conducted inquiries which led them to execute a search warrant on a Moulden residence early this morning. Police recovered a large amount of cash and subsequently the person making the complaint and another staff member - a 21-year-old man - were arrested.

They are expected to be interviewed later today and will face charges of making a false complaint and stealing.

Media contact:
Theresa Kuilboer
(08) 89223531
0437 293 609