Media release

Arrests for Robbery – Alice Springs


Three men have been arrested and charged with the robbery and assault of a man in Alice Springs last month.

Police received a report of a robbery and assault of a 48-year-old man in Alice Springs just after 3am on April 4.

The victim told police he was walking home along Warburton Street when he was surrounded by three young men.

The men aged 18, 19 and 20 allegedly assaulted the man by punching him to the face, and when the man fell to the ground, continued to kick him.

The men then stole the man's wallet and mobile phone.

One of the offenders took out a knife and threatened the victim, who managed to kick out at the offender and run away.

Members of the Property Crime Unit have now arrested all three men who will appear in the Alice Springs Magistrates Court next month.

Media contact:
Chelsea Rogers
(08)89 51 8825