Media release

Artists Wanted - Police Monument


Suitably qualified artists or artist teams who wish to design and create the symbolic artwork, or series of artworks to acknowledge and commemorate the Northern Territory Police Force are invited to submit an Expression of Interest.

Northern Territory Police Commissioner, Paul White said the Monument is long awaited and will commemorate the proud tradition and historical significance of Policing in the Territory,

"The NT Police Force was established in 1869 as the NT Mounted Police, with a mandate to police the fledgling community of Darwin and the Northern Territory, and has since grown into a modern police force.

"The police force has a proud history of serving the community across the length and breadth of the Northern Territory, often under difficult conditions associated with distance, isolation and severe climatic conditions.
"Throughout its history, the police force has maintained a 'strength of character' when confronting and dealing with the many and varied challenges.
"The concept for consideration in creating the artwork/sculpture/monument will reflect the following statement:
Expresses the origins of the NT Police Force from its early role as a mounted police force and recognises the service and sacrifice of those who have faced the challenges over the years of policing a Territory unique in terms of its people, remoteness, harsh environment and its progression into the 21st century.

"The monument is intended to capture all this, while communicating the values of our Police and of our community." Commissioner White said.

Expressions of Interest submissions to undertake the concept design are being called for nationally with local, qualified artists encouraged to apply.

Submissions will be assessed by a panel including an art consultant who has been engaged to oversee the process.

Up to three artists or artistic teams will be short listed and paid to develop separate concept designs from which the final winning design will be selected.

Commissioner White said that through this process the public can expect a quality monument as a result,

"This will be a commemorative monument, for the public, visitors, police from around the world, our members, retired members and their families to be proud of.

"It isn't going to be a project thrown together and replaced in a couple of years', it will be long standing and a central feature of Bennett Park for many years to come." Commissioner White said.

The project is expected to take months with completion not anticipated until October 2010.

This is a joint project involving the Northern Territory Police, the Northern Territory Police Association, the Northern Territory Police Museum & Historical Society and the Retired Police Association.

To download a copy of the Expression of Interest document, visit

Deadline for submissions is 3pm on Friday 26 June 2009.

Media contact:
Katie Fowden
8901 0281