Media release

Drink drivers overnight


Police apprehended another three drink drivers over the previous 24 hours.

At just before 10 pm last night, a 52-year-old male was apprehended near the Gardens. When subjected to a breath test analysis, he returned a reading of 0.123% and will be charged with medium range drink driving.

Later that evening at 11:15pm, Palmerston Police observed a motorcycle come past them at speed. The 17-year-old male was pulled over and subjected to a breath test, returning a formal reading of 0.115%. Police allege that the youth had no helmet and no lights and that his bike was also unregistered and uninsured.

He will be summonsed to appear in relation to a number of offences.

Just before 2am, Police received a call from a member of the public reporting they believed someone was stealing a vehicle as the engine could be heard revving loudly.

Police attended in the Wagaman area and located a 19-year-old female who was in a vehicle. She was subjected to a breath test and returned a formal reading of 0.154% and will be charged with high range drink driving.

All offenders are to appear in court at a later date.

Territory Duty Superintendent Jamie Chalker said it is disappointing that some road users show such little respect for the safety of themselves and others.

"The motorcycle arrest is an example of the types of dangers drunk road users pose on unsuspecting members of the public.

"A young motorcyclist who had no lights displayed, had no helmet, was drunk and speeding at night on an unregistered and uninsured bike is a recipe for disaster. Clearly he had no thoughts of self preservation, let alone the risk he posed to others"
Said Supt Chalker.

Media contact:
Natalie Bell
8922 3185