Media release

Mutual Respect Agreement - Ngukurr


Deputy Police Commissioner Bruce Wernham and the Ngukurr Community's Yugul Mangi Group of Elders represented by Mr David Daniels, will today sign a unique mutual respect agreement during a ceremony in Ngukurr.

The agreement officially marks the start of new and positive relations between NT Police and the Ngukurr Community following a disturbance and negative interaction in 2005.

Deputy Police Commissioner Bruce Wernham said the agreement has been carefully prepared and mediated with Justice Thomas and looks towards a positive future for all stake holders,

"While it is important to remember and learn from negative events of the past, this agreement constructively sets the standard of an improved police presence and community engagement for the future.

"In signing this agreement, NT Police are committed to mutual respect, improved cultural awareness and community interaction including cross cultural training specific to Ngukurr.

"The Yugal Mangi Elders are committing to taking a lead in improving cultural awareness by delivering the cross-cultural training to local Police including information on sacred sites and ceremonial grounds, ensuring Police regularly meet and discuss community issues with both male and female Elders" Deputy Commissioner Wernham said.

This unique agreement and approach to improved community engagement is further supported by NAAJA who assisted in brokering the agreement.

NAAJA Chairman, Norman George has commended the actions of the Yugal Mangi and NT Police for turning what was a very negative experience into a positive move forward.

"There has been a lot of work from both sides to get to this stage.

"I would especially like to congratulate the Ngukurr Elders who never wavered in their desire for better relations with Police, who continued to show up for meetings and negotiations and were united in their determination." Mr George concluded

Plaques will be presented during today's ceremony to signify mutual respect, closure of the 2005 incident and to give confidence to both parties that the agreement is meaningful and will be committed to completely.

Media contact:
Katie Fowden
8901 0281