Media release

Arson arrest - Kintore


A man has been arrested after allegedly setting fire to a house on a community in Western Australia.

Police allege that at around 6am on Monday, December 21, the man and a co-offender unlawfully entered a house on the Kunawarritji Community, approximately six hours west of Kintore. They then set fire to the house after stealing property including 20 cartons of cigarettes. The house was completely destroyed in the blaze.

One of the offenders then stole a motor vehicle and drove it towards Kiwirrikura, abandoning it about 150 kilometres from the community when it ran out of fuel.

A 24-year-old man was arrested by Northern Territory Police at the Western Australian community of Kiwirrikura just after 2pm yesterday.

He has been taken back to Kintore Police Station and will be charged with numerous offences, including arson and unlawful use of a motor vehicle. He is expected to be remanded to appear in the Newman Magistrates Court, WA.

Acting Superintendent Darrell Kerr said the incident was an excellent example of the effectiveness of the multi-jurisdictional approach to policing in the cross -border areas.

"This is an excellent example of the Northern Territory Police and Western Australian police working together across each other's borders to effect an arrest," A/Supt Kerr said.

"For several years now the two jurisdictions have worked in partnership at the multi-jurisdictional station of Kintore, and more recently at Warakurna in Western Australia. This arrangement enables police from either jurisdiction with their special powers under the legislation to have more flexibility as they police their own and neighbouring jurisdictions."

Media contact:
Theresa Kuilboer
8951 8825
0419 803 603