Media release

New Year’s Eve Operation – Alice Springs


Police in Alice Springs will be mounting a special operation to ensure everyone in the community can enjoy a safe and pleasant New Year's Eve.

Senior Sergeant Jody Nobbs said the operation would target anti-social behaviour, drink driving and behaviour on licensed premises.

"Police have been working with the Alice Springs Licensees Alcohol Accord (ASLAA) to find ways of encouraging people to behave appropriately on licensed premises and deter public drunkenness and anti-social behaviour," Sen Sgt Nobbs said.

"ASLAA has agreed to introduce double barring on New Year's Eve for anyone breaching the required behaviour standards. Effectively, this means that if you misbehave on licensed premises you could potentially find yourself barred from all 20 pubs, clubs and restaurants which are members of ASLAA. If people stop and think about this, they might like to consider how the next two years are going to feel when they can't join their mates for a night out for two years. We hope they realise it's just not worth it.

"Police will also be working in conjunction with Liquor Licensing inspectors throughout the night.

"You can expect to see plenty of uniformed police patrolling the CBD during New Years Eve, but we will also be out and about in plain clothes, so it would be wise to stop and think before you do the wrong thing.

"Traffic patrols will also be ramped up, so expect to be pulled over if you choose to drive. We really don't want anyone to be starting the new year by losing their licence, so make other arrangements for getting home if you're going to drink. And look after your mates."

"Our message is clear. We will be doing everything we can to ensure everyone has a safe and enjoyable time. Drink sensibly, and have a happy and safe New Year."

Media contact:
Theresa Kuilboer
8951 8825
0419 803 603