Media release

Cyclone preparedness warning - Darwin


Police are warning residents to prepare their emergency cyclone kit following a major power outage in Darwin yesterday.
Darwin Regional One Counter Disaster Controller NT Police Commander Rob Kendrick said whilst the outage was an inconvenience to many it was but a small sample of what could occur if Darwin was impacted upon by a cyclone.
"It was clear following yesterday's power cuts that many people were still unprepared for such emergencies," Commander Kendrick said.
"People in Darwin at this time of year need to be prepared for extended power outages and should have their emergency kit ready in their home containing, as a minimum such items as:
a portable radio and torch with fresh spare batteries
fuel lamp, candles and matches
water containers, canned food, can opener, self-contained cooking gear, and essential warm clothes and strong footwear
first aid kit and special medication and baby needs"
Commander Kendrick said that report of stairwells in darkness and water supply failures, highlight the need for residents of the many apartment blocks to work with their Body Corporates to understand how their buildings are affected during extended power outages and what contingencies they need in place to minimise disruption and mitigate these risks.
"Reports of emergency lighting apparently not working is a concern and the Body Corporates and building owners need to review this as a priority," Commander Kendrick said.
"Clearly people are not prepared. I was in a local hardware shop yesterday and shopping by torchlight, and I was surprised by the amount of people buying torches, batteries and even hearing one gentleman trying to buy a battery powered radio. People are obviously not heeding the messages that go out about cyclone preparedness.
"It will be highly likely the local hardware store will not be open after a cyclone so I urge all residents to reflect on what occurred last Saturday. Take something positive out of this and review your cyclone plans whilst the lesson is still fresh in your mind."
Cyclone information is available on the Emergency Services website at or at your local police station.
"The cold hard fact is, in a cyclone many residents could be without power for days, not just be inconvenienced for a few hours as was the case on Saturday. I urge everyone to review their preparedness as a priority."

Media contact
Theresa Kuilboer
0419 803 603