Media release

Media Release - SAID Katherine - One year on


February 1st, marks one year since the Substance Abuse Intelligence Desk (SAID) commenced operations in Katherine.

The FaHCSIA funded initiative works to gather intelligence on suppliers and criminal network and works closely with the Dog Operations Unit (DOU) to investigate substance abuse, including illicit drugs, Kava, alcohol and volatile substances in remote communities in the Katherine & Northern region area of the Northern Territory, as well as cross border operations with Western Australia Police in Kununurra.

Seizures since the SAID begun operations in Katherine in 2009 include:

1 tonne of Kava - an estimated value of around $1,000,000
23.7 kilograms of cannabis - an estimated value of at least $1,185,000
22 grams of methamphetamines
2146 litres of alcohol
10 vehicles
$64,285 cash

Commander Jeanette Kerr said that the two units are proactive and have conducted numerous operations throughout the Territory, particularly targeting Kava and cannabis distribution groups throughout the region.

"As well as conducting covert operations, SAID are effective in maintaining a highly visible presence throughout the region by executing search warrants and setting up regular roadblocks on both major roads and remote access roads"

Commander Kerr said that they had conducted several highly successful operations over the last twelve months, including Operation Haricot.

"Operation Haricot was mounted following advice regarding a funeral to be held at Ramingining where it was known that a large number of people would be coming into the community."

"The operation involved 100 vehicles being searched, two arrests, eleven summons, 84 grams of cannabis and over 100 litres of alcohol being seized."

Commander Kerr also noted that what was particularly concerning about these drug and alcohol traffickers was how they exploit remote community residents with exorbitant price mark ups.

"People are paying as much as $400 for 1125ml bottle of Jim Beam and, as much as $100 for bag of cannabis this size of a ten cent coin.

Commander Kerr reinforced that that the SAID and the DOU play a major role in reducing substance abuse and trafficking of drugs into remote communities.

"Katherine SAID are warning anyone involved in drug or alcohol trafficking anywhere in this region, it is highly likely that you will be apprehended" she said.

Media contact:
Natalie Bell
0889 010280