Media release

Fire at TIO - Silent Hero’s


Fire and Rescue claim the built-in fire systems at the TIO premise are also silent hero's as they prevented loss of life and major property loss as a result of the fire on Wednesday.

The automated fire alarm system at TIO, monitored by the Fire Service, gave early warning within seconds to enable a rapid response. This was the first official notification for any emergency crews on the day.

The sprinkler system was also immediately activated, tackling the blaze until Darwin Fire Station Crews arrived on scene.

This enabled Fire crews to focus their attention on evacuation and immediate first aid on victims.

District Officer Grant Hamon said if it wasn't for these early warnings and activated sprinklers, there would be a high possibility of loss of life.

"This was a rapid burning fire and it is fortunate that no lives were lost during this incident.

"I have no doubt that this is largely due to what we call the 'silent heros' - the built-in alarm and sprinkler systems.

"Further, because the complex was built and maintained to building standards prevented fire spread beyond that of the TIO Office space." District Officer Hamon said.

Once an automated alarm is activated, the Fire Station is notified and fire plans of the building are automatically printed at the relevant Fire station.

Darwin Fire Crews therefore not only have exact details of the premise where the alarm has been activated, but a clear understanding of a plan of the interior to assist in search and evacuation, and management contact details for immediate notification.

District Officer Hamon said this is a timely reminder for all business owners in the Territory to re-visit their fire plans and systems,

"Business owners must ensure their fire systems are maintained and in accordance with relevant standards at the very minimum.

"Significant liability and insurance issues will have a major impact on those building owners who do not comply with these standards in the event of a fire or emergency.

"This includes the requirement for fire systems to be maintained throughout a prolonged power outage with maintained battery backup systems to ensure occupants are alerted to a fire and the fire service is notified automatically." District Officer Hamon concluded.

Fire and Rescue conduct compliance and enforcement inspections to ensure required standards are met.

Home owners are reminded of the importance to maintain their smoke alarms as this is the life safety fire system for families and loved ones.

Business owners with any enquiries can contact the Fire and Rescue, Community Fire Safety Division on 8995 5400.

Media contact:
Katie Fowden
0401 116 540