Media release

Three men rescued off Darwin Coast


NT Police Marine and Fisheries Enforcement Section have been busy today with the rescue of three crew members from a large gas tanker bound for Dampier.

The NT Police patrol vessel Beagle Gulf responded to the outer limits of Port Darwin to recover a 47-year-old British National crew member onboard the British Sapphire. The male was experiencing an angina episode and medical authorities determined he required medical evacuation from the ship to assess his condition.

NT Marine and Fisheries Enforcement Section and St John paramedics reached the ship at about 8.30am and recovered the male from the ship's rescue boat before conveying him back to Cullen Bay and on to Royal Darwin Hospital.

Police were alerted shortly after their return to Cullen Bay that two further crew members had been injured when the rescue boat they were recovering to the ship, fell 20 metres to the waterline.

Police re-attended the ship at about 12.30pm and conveyed the two men both aged 29 years back to Cullen Bay where they were also conveyed to Royal Darwin Hospital for assessment of their back injuries.

All three men remain in a stable condition.

Sergeant Glenn McPhee from NT Marine and Fisheries Enforcement Section attributed the seamless and professional response to the coordinated effort of a large team including the Rescue Coordination Centre Canberra, Darwin Port Corporation, AQIS, Customs and the first responders NT Police and St John Ambulance.

"The male patient had suffered a substantial angina episode. Thankfully for him, his condition appeared to be stable when he got him on board. He appeared in good spirits and was grateful for the assistance we provided. It was freakish the second incident was related in the first but highlights the risks involved in rescue and recovery.

"It was a great team effort and I add my thanks to all persons involved" he said.

Media contact:
Amy Sloan