Media release

Man killed in motorcycle crash - Holtze


Police are investigating a motorcycle crash that occurred around mid-day in the Holtze area resulting in the death of its rider.

Members were alerted to the incident at approximately 12:20 pm, 4-5 km's down a dirt track located opposite Robertson Barracks on Thorngate Road.

Police and St John Ambulance members attended the scene and located the male deceased at the scene having come off his XR400 motorbike.

Members from the Major Crash Unit are investigating the incident to determine the exact circumstances surrounding the crash.

Territory Duty Superintendent Dean Moloney said this was tragic accident and a report will be prepared for the Coroner.

"At this stage we are still investigating the circumstances surrounding the accident.

"The off-road landscape is dangerous, there are constant distractions and if it's a track that hasn't been used in some time, you never know exactly what may lay in wait up ahead" he said.

Due to the crash not occurring on a public road, the death will not be included in the NT road toll.

Media contact:
Amy Sloan
0417 770686