Media release

Glassing Incident – Nightcliff


With the assistance of several witnesses, members arrested a 25-year-old male alleged offender a short time later in Aralia Street.

He is expected to be interviewed later today.

Assistant Commissioner Payne said this glassing is disgraceful behaviour and another example of alcohol fuelled violence which can be avoided,

"The victim in this matter could be in hospital for some time and who knows what the long term effects will be.

"This weekend, we are expecting thousands of people to flock to Darwin CBD and partake in the Soccer World Cup festivities.

"We hope revellers will have a good time and report any issues to the many Police who will be patrolling both the streets and licensed premises.

"However, I ask all soccer fans to drink and act responsibly and look out for one another to keep each other safe. People need to know when its time to go home and arrange to get there safely.

"For everyone else heading out of town, make the most of the long weekend and take care on our roads.

"Say hello to the Police out there conducting random breath tests - they are there to keep our roads safe." Assistant Commissioner Mark Payne concluded.

Media contact:
Katie Fowden
8901 0281