Media release

Bushfire season - Fire Danger Ratings


Over the past few months the Northern Territory Fire and Rescue Service has been working closely with Bushfires NT in preparation for this years bushfire season.

A number of changes have been made this year, including the new Fire Danger Ratings and the way in which the public will receive information and warnings.

The old signs identifying the Fire Danger Rating for that day have been replaced with new, colourful signs that include a new rating category of "catastrophic". These signs represent the degree of difficulty in suppressing a fire and help to warn the community of the potential situation on that day, to encourage community preparation for bushfire.

As the pointer moves toward the higher levels, it indicates that a fire ignited on that day will be extremely damaging, move very fast and cause spot fires to ignite a long way ahead of the main fire front. Life could be lost, and property in the path of the fire will be damaged or destroyed. These signs represent the degree of difficulty in suppressing a fire and help to warn the community of the potential situation on that day, to encourage community preparation for bushfire.

As a result of advice from the Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission new procedures to assist in advising the public of potentially damaging bushfires in a timely manner have been put in place.

'Watch and Act' messages will be broadcast by the ABC on behalf of NTFRS and Bushfires NT when a fire ignites and has the potential to cause property damage or injury if left unchecked.

Where a fire ignites and is immediately a threat to life or property, NTFRS and Bushfires NT will endeavour to prepare an 'Emergency Warning' message for broadcast by the ABC and other media to provide advice to the community that will assist them in protecting their life.

People need to be aware that on days of 'Severe', 'Extreme' or 'Catastrophic' fire danger the fire service resources may be stretched to a point where not every emergency call can be responded to in time to prevent loss of life or property, and therefore Bushfire Action Plans are vitally important.

NTFRS Director Mr Greg Nettleton said today that bushfire management is a shared responsibility between the community and the fire services.

"The community plays a significant role in the success of bushfire prevention and mitigation through properly prepared homes and outbuildings, fire break construction and maintenance, and personal preparedness planning for the event of a bushfire".

It is important to have a Bushfire Action Plan ready that outlines where to go when faced with a bushfire whilst travelling, or when sheltering in the home is not an option and a fire truck is not there to assist.

He added "The theme for this bushfire season is 'PREPARE.ACT.SURVIVE', recognising the primacy of life. Proper preparation of homes and property and individual household preparedness plans will facilitate the appropriate action in the event of a fire which will help to save life."

More information on the Fire Danger Ratings, the information and warning system and the new arrangements has been posted on the NTFRS website

Media Contact:
Rickie Scoot
8922 3185