Media release

Disturbance - Ramingining


Ramingining police arrested two males in connection with a disturbance in the community over the weekend.

Police were alerted to a disturbance near the Medical Centre at about 3:00 pm on Saturday involving several people armed with sticks and rocks.

Upon arrival a 46-year-old man approached the police vehicle and struck it a number of times with a stick before punching a female officer to the jaw through the window. The police officer's partner exited the vehicle at which time the offender was subdued by members of the community. As a second officer approached the offender he broke free, again attempting to assault the female officer.

OC spray was utilised on the man in an effort to incapacitate him and as he was being placed in the back of the police vehicle he further assaulted the members by ripping the male officer's shirt and spitting at the female officer.

The female officer received bruising and tenderness to her jaw and upper arms as a result of the assault.

The offender was arrested and conveyed to Ramingining Police Station where he was charged in relation to the following offences:

assault police x 2
aggravated assault
disorderly conduct
consume liquor in a prescribed area

A 31-year-old man was also arrested at the scene and has been charged with disorderly conduct and consume liquor in a prescribed area.

They are both due to appear in Maningrida Magistrates Court on 4 August.

Superintendent Helen Braam said the actions of the community members in assisting police to restrain the offender are to be commended.

"It is a strong acknowledgement of the respect and community partnerships that NT Police have built with the Ramingining community," she said.

Media Contact:
Rickie Scoot
8922 3185