Media release

Road fatality - Laramba


The Territory's road toll has risen to 22 with the death this morning of a woman near the Laramba Community in Central Australia.

The woman was trapped under the overturned vehicle and is yet to be identified.

Investigations are continuing into whether she was the sole occupant or whether other persons may have been in the vehicle when it crashed.

Police from Ti Tree and Alice Springs have responded and are conducting investigations.

Barkly Divisional Officer, Superintendent Megan Rowe, reminds motorists that Territory drivers have to cover vast distances and need to continually remind themselves of the dangers of fatigue and that drinking and driving and excessive speed lead to terrible consequences.

"If you are feeling tired, stop your car, get out and have a walk around to wake yourself up," she said.

"Have a coffee at a roadside stop, talk to your passengers and stay alert.

"Drive to survive."

At the same time last year, 16 people had died on Territory roads.

Media Contact:
David Harris
0437 293 609