Media release

Arrests for property offences –Alice Springs


Three teenagers have been arrested in relation to property offences which occurred in Alice Springs in the past six months.

The most recent incident involved the damage to and stealing from four cars in the Gillen area in the early hours of June 30.

A 17-year-old male has been arrested and charged with trespass, four counts of criminal damage and four counts of stealing of property from the cars. The property included wallets, cash and jewellery with an estimated total value of more than $3600. He has been bailed to appear in the Alice Springs Youth Justice Court on September 16.

Another 17-year old youth was arrested on Monday in relation to criminal damage to a vehicle and stealing at the Haven Backpackers Lodge on Larapinta Drive on April 22. He has been charged with one count of criminal damage and one of stealing. He has been bailed to appear in the Alice Spring Youth Justice Court on August 20.

A 19-year-old man will face court over an incident on January 6 in which he allegedly smashed the front door of the Town and Country Tavern in the Todd Mall and stole a quantity of alcohol. He was arrested yesterday and has been charged with criminal damage and stealing. He has been bailed to appear in the Alice Springs Magistrates Court on September 16.

Media contact:
Theresa Kuilboer
8951 8825
0419 803 603