Media release

Police Operation - Adelaide River


Members from Katherine SAID and Dog Operations Unit, Darwin based Remote Community Drug Desk, Adelaide River, and Pine Creek conducted road blocks at Adelaide River overnight targeting drug trafficking and traffic offences.

Overall the operation resulted in the seizure of over half a kilogram of Cannabis and 1 gram of methamphetamine. A total of six persons were arrested and two persons summonsed for a variety of drug and drink driving offences.

A drink driver who was also under the influence of drugs and was found in possession of a loaded syringe of what is believed to be methamphetamine was charged and bailed to appear at Darwin Magistrates Court on 28 September 2010.

Two males and a female were found in possession of 450 grams of Cannabis. They were all arrested, charged and bailed to appear at Katherine Magistrates Court on 29 September 2010.

Two other males who were found in possession of 50 deal bags of cannabis will be summonsed on drug offences.

Superintendent Colin Smith of Arnhem OSD at Katherine Police Station said that unannounced operations of this nature will continue across the Top-end.

"We will continue these operations in an effort to disrupt the activities of illicit drug dealers in remote regions of the Territory and to detect those drivers who continue to risk their lives and those of other road users by driving under the influence of alcohol or other drugs" he said.

Media Contact

Rickie Scoot

8922 3185

0458 307 870