Media release

Drink drivers arrested –Alice Springs


Police in Alice Springs have issued a stark reminder to motorists after arresting seven drink drivers overnight.

Sergeant Conan Robertson of the Southern Traffic Operations Unit said police conducted random breath tests between 4pm and 10pm.

"Despite our constant pleas to the public about the dangers of drink driving we still caught a staggering seven drink drivers in the course of the evening," Sgt Roberston said.

"As if this behaviour is not dangerous enough, their stupidity and callousness was further compounded by the inclement weather, which magnifies the risk to them, their passengers and other road-users",

Two women, both aged 24, were found to be driving with blood alcohol contents of 0.166% and 0.128%.
Five men, aged between 18 and 29, were driving with blood alcohol levels of 0.075%, 0.079%, 0.136%, 0.149%, 0.164%

"Of great concern is that four of these drivers were unlicensed, including two of the high range drink drivers, and two of the other drivers were disqualified. It beggars belief that the number of drink drivers being caught by police on a regular basis still doesn't seem to act as a deterrent to others. The message is clear. If you take the chance of drinking and driving then you too will likely be stopped and dealt with by the police.

"It might also be timely to remind drivers of the Territory's current road toll. There have been 36 deaths on NT roads so far this year."

Media Contact
Theresa Kuilboer
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0419 803 603