Media release

Drug and alcohol seizure – Alice Springs


Members of Substance Abuse Intelligence Desk, Drug Intelligence Unit and Dog Operation Unit seized 18 grams of cannabis in 36 individual deal bags and 78 litres of alcohol in Alice Springs on Friday.

Police set up a Vehicle Check Point Operation for six hours on the intersection of Larapinta Drive and Standley Chasm.

A 29-year-old man will be summonsed for the possession and supply of cannabis after a subsequent search of his vehicle located 16 deal bags.

A 21-year-old female and three men aged 17, 29 and 34 received infringement notices for the possession of cannabis.

"NT police will continue to focus on disrupting the supply of alcohol and illicit drugs into communities" Superintendent Michael White from the Regional Investigations Division said.

"This seizure is another example of people flagrantly ignoring the law by taking alcohol into dry communities. Alcohol continues to be the cause of much of domestic and other violence in communities and we will do what ever it takes to stop the flow of it into these areas".

Media Contact
Sarah Trinne
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