Media release

Drink Drivers - Rural Area


As part of a targeted traffic patrol of the Hayes Creek and Adelaide River areas, police arrested two men for driving drunk on the Stuart Highway.

Two vehicles travelling in convoy were apprehended on the Stuart Highway near Daly River Road and both drivers were tested returning positive readings.

The men were conveyed to Adelaide River Police Station where a 34-year-old male returned blood alcohol content reading of 0.161 percent and the second man aged 45-years-old returned a reading of 0.103 %.

Police also seized approximately 80 litres of alcohol believed to have been destined for a prescribed area.

Both males were later charged with drink driving and the 34 year old male was conveyed to Darwin Watch house.

"This is a warning to all those drink drivers who think they can drink drive in the rural area without getting caught. Police will target drink drivers at all times of the day and you can expect Random Breath Testing in remote and rural areas just as you would in urban areas" said Superintendent Tony Fuller

Rickie Scoot

8922 3185