Media release

Toxic Chemical Spill - Galiwinku


Galiwinku Police officers have worked in coordination with Darwin Fire and Rescue Services and NT Emergency Services Volunteers to clean up a toxic chemical spill at the local arts centre on Elcho Island.

A local Emergency Services Volunteer alerted Police to the spill yesterday after visiting the centre and realised that several litres of nitric acid had eaten through a tin and combined with paint products.

Some staff members who had been exposed to the substance were sent to the local clinic for a check up, but the clinic has since confirmed that the art centre staff members were not affected by the chemical.

In consultation with the Darwin based Fire Watch Commander, the attending Police and NTES volunteers determined an action plan to contain and clean up the spill. Because the substance is toxic and may become flammable if water is added the staff wore suitable masks, overalls and acid resistant gloves and boots. The area was ventilated and a combination of bi-carb soda and kitty litter was placed over the spill. The local fire truck was on hand with a foam applicator in case of ignition.

The majority of the spilt product was then removed using an inert scoop, and placed into Hazchem bags which were then placed in a yellow Hazchem wheelie bin.

At this time, the majority of the spill has been contained and removed from the site. The Arts Centre room will be left to air out until Sunday morning, when a final clean up can safely be carried out.

Northern Division Police Superintendent Steve Heyworth said everyone worked well together to solve the problem at hand.

"The staff at Elcho Island along with the Fire officers in Darwin have done a terrific job to sort out what could have been a potentially dangerous situation where people could have been hurt.

"The Police, Fire and Emergency Services in the NT have an excellent working relationship to solve problems and keep our communities safe," he said.

Media Contact
Jasmine Featherstone
8922 3535
0437 293 609