Save 000 for emergencies
Only call 000 in an emergency or life-threatening situation.
- There is an emergency, for example:
- Any situation where life or injury is threatened;
- motor vehicle crash, where people are injured;
- air, rail or water accident;
- any event which might cause danger to people or property;
- explosion or bomb incident/threat;
- a disturbance or breach of the peace, for example a domestic violence incident or anti-social behaviour; or
- any suspected offence in progress, being witnessed or just committed.
- What happens when I call 000?
- Your call is first answered by Telstra, who will ask "Emergency. Which service do you require - Police, Fire or Ambulance?"
- Respond with the service/location you need (if you are using a mobile telephone you will be asked for the city and state you are in).
- Your call will then be connected to the emergency service you need.
For NT Emergency Service help during floods, storms or cyclones call 132 500

24 hour assistance lines for non-emergencies
NT Police Force 131 444
NT Fire and Rescue 08 8999 3473
Crime Stoppers 1800 333 000