Media release

Drugs seizure – Alice Springs - 4666499


Police in Alice Springs seized more than two and a half kilograms of Cannabis and 45 Ecstasy pills hidden in a swag on a Greyhound bus yesterday.

Police from the Drug Intelligence Unit and the Dog Operations Unit conducted a search of the bus after it arrived in Alice Springs from Adelaide just after 2pm yesterday. Drug dog Yona reacted positively to a swag which belonged to a 22-year-old male passenger. Police found six cryovaced packages of Cannabis material weighing more than two and a half kilograms and 45 MDMA grams. He was arrested and has been charged with:

Possession of a commercial quantity of Cannabis
Supplying a Commercial quantity of Cannabis
Possession of a trafficable quantity of MDMA
Supplying a trafficable quantity of MDMA

He will appear in the Alice Springs Magistrates Court today.

Detective acting Superintendent Lauren Hill said the seizure highlights the excellent value of the Drug Detector Dogs.

"The alleged offender had gone to some trouble to try to disguise the smell of the drugs, however, our drug dog Yona still had no trouble reacting positively to them.," Det A/Supt Hill said.

" This was quite a large seizure and if undetected the Cannabis could have returned more than $130,000 if sold in remote Aboriginal communities. We will continue to combine all our resources to detect and seize drugs coming into our community, and those who try to bring them in need to be aware of the risk they are running of being caught and the stiff penalties they could confront if found guilty."

Media Contact
Theresa Kuilboer
8951 8825
0419 803 603