Media release

Crocodile Sighting - Oenpelli


Police from Oenpelli supervised the destruction of a large crocodile at a billabong near the local school today.

It was earlier reported that a large crocodile (estimated to be in excess of 4 metres long) had taken a dog that was walking near the same billabong with a family group that included young children.

Police acting on advice from local rangers and the Crocodile Management Team initially prepared to set a crocodile trap but after a number of other confirmed sightings of the crocodile in the same area, local Traditional Owners requested that the animal be destroyed given its

proximity to the local school and the popularity of the billabong as a swimming and fishing spot.

Police engaged the services of an experienced shooter from the local meatworks who shot the animal.

Constable Joanna Darby said that with all the rain lately and the consequent increase in water levels in rivers and flood plains people need to be extra wary as crocodiles are on the move.

"This crocodile was sighted less than 100 metres from the school in a popular fishing and swimming spot and I urge all parents to warn their children not to play in waterways.

"Given recent events, this is definitely a timely reminder to be aware of your surrounding and be crocwise" she said.

Media note: Photo attached of officers 'croc spotting' near the school.

Media Contact:

Rickie Scoot

8985 8837