Media release

Structure Fire - Wulagi


Northern Territory Fire and Rescue Service personnel are continuing investigations today in an effort to determine the exact cause of a structure fire in Wulagi last night.

NTFRS and Police were called to the scene just before 10:00pm last night after residents at the Kestrel Circuit home noticed flames at the premises.

When authorities arrived at the scene the shed was fully alight and the residents and neighbours were attempting to put out the flames with garden hoses.

Police evacuated neighbouring houses.

Fire fighters brought the blaze under control within half an hour and a crime scene was established.

It is believed the fire started in the shed and spread to main dwelling causing fire damage to the roof space. The shed was completely destroyed as a result of the fire.

The exact cause of the blaze is unknown and fire investigators are currently at the scene in an attempt to determine the exact circumstances surrounding the incident.

District Officer Rob Trewarther said these types of fires were extremely hazardous

"Garden shed and garage fires are extremely hazardous to fire fighting operations due to the unknown quantities and storage of chemicals, flammable liquids and other hazardous materials. The NTFRS reminds the community to limit the storage of these items or not unnecessarily store large quantities hazardous materials in their households".

"In the event of a fire these materials will escalate damage to property and more impotently increase the threat to injury and loss of life family and community members" he said.

Rickie Scoot

8985 8837