Media release

Weekend Traffic Campaign


Members from the Traffic Operations Division conducted a campaign over the weekend targeting drink drivers and traffic offenders in the Palmerston and Rural area.

The operation was run over Friday and Saturday night and saw 369 drivers breath tested. A total of 17 drivers tested positive to driving with a blood alcohol content and four recorded a high range BAC; the highest reading was 0.160%.

Police arrested seven people as a result of the operation and a further ten drivers will be summonsed in relation to traffic offences.

A total of 56 Traffic Infringements were issued and 10 vehicles were defected during the operation.

A/Superintendent Virginia Read from the Traffic Operations Division says it is frustrating that drivers continue to put themselves and others at risk with their driving.

"NT Police will be out in force over the upcoming long weekends and remind motorists to not take any risks. Speeding, driving whilst intoxicated, fatigued or distracted by mobile phones, greatly increases your chances of being involved in a serious crash".

"Take care on the roads and have a safe Easter Break" she said.

Rickie Scoot

8985 8837

0458 307 870