Media release

Arrest for unlawful entry - Katherine


The quick actions of the Katherine Police have led to the identification and swift arrest of an 18-year-old man yesterday in relation the unlawful entry of the Katherine ANZ Bank on Saturday.

At approximately 06:20am on Saturday 7 May, the alleged offender unlawfully entered the ANZ Bank on Katherine Terrace.

A patrolling security guard observed the rear door of the bank slightly open and contacted police.

Police attended the scene and on arrival observed the front glass sliding doors had also been damaged. A search of the building and surrounding areas was conducted but the offender had left the area.

CCTV footage was obtained and vision showed a male loitering outside the front of the bank and damaging the doors to the bank and entering it. The footage showed that the male searched the premises before exiting the back door empty handed.

Members on foot patrol in the vicinity of the Oasis Shopping centre yesterday observed a driver of Holden Astra to match the footage of the man seen in the CCTV footage. The vehicle was apprehended in the car park and the man was subsequently arrested.

A search of the man's home resulted in the discovery of the clothing worn by the alleged offender at the time of the offence as seen in the CCTV footage.

The man was charged with unlawful entry, attempt unlawful entry, drive with dangerous drugs in blood and drive unlicensed. He was bailed to appear Katherine Court House on 6 June 2011.

Media Contact
Sarah Trinne
8985 8837
0458 307 870