Media release

Mobile phone drivers warned –Alice Springs


Drivers using mobile phones are being warned that police are ready to crack down on those not using hands-free devices.

Sergeant Conan Robertson said that so far in the past financial year more than 50 traffic infringement notices had been issued to drivers using mobile phones.

"Studies show that drivers on mobile phones are four times more likely to have a crash," Sgt Robertson said.

"There have been many occasions where police have followed an apparent drunk driver who is swerving over the road, bumping into curbs. Then we pull them over and find they've been texting on their phones.

"There have also been occasions where people have driven into parked cars or fixed objects while using their mobile phones whilst driving. Drivers need to be aware of the road conditions and other traffic at all times and using a mobile phone is a major distraction."

Members of the Southern Traffic Operations Unit will be clamping down on drivers illegally using mobile phones this week.

"If you talk or text whilst driving it could be the last conversation of your life," Sergeant Robertson said.

Media Contact:
Theresa Kuilboer
8951 8825